If you live in New York, please come join me tomorrow night at 7 for a free lecture called, “The Darwin Beat: Reporting from the Frontiers of Evolution.” I’ll be talking about what I think is most exciting in evolutionary biology these days, as well as the interesting position a journalist ends up in by reporting on the topic–such as getting letters from people who tell you Satan has blinded you to the truth. I guarantee deadly snakes, zombie cockroaches, creationist throw-pillows, and a couple Darwinian tattoos (although they won’t actually be on my own skin).

And it’s free!

Here are the details:

When: Thursday December 4 @ 7:00 PM

Where: Rockefeller University

Weiss Building Room 305

1230 York Avenue @ 66th St. (Campus Map)

NYC Skeptics page

Hope to see you there. 

Originally published December 3, 2008. Copyright 2008 Carl Zimmer.