The New York Times, November 1, 2018


The oncoming flu season has claimed its first lives, among them a child in Florida who had not gotten a flu shot.

This year’s vaccine significantly reduces the odds of getting sick — and you should get one now if you haven’t already — but it’s far from perfect.

For one thing, its effectiveness fluctuates from year to year. At best, the vaccine may reduce the risk of illness by about 60 percent. Last year, during one of the worst flu epidemics in recent memory, that figure was just 40 percent.

Continue reading “How to Turbocharge Flu Protection (Llamas Required)”

Goodreads Choice Award–Can I Get Your Vote?

I’m sending this newsletter out a couple days early because of some late-breaking developments. She Has Her Mother’s Laugh has been nominated for the Goodreads Choice Award in the Science & Technology category. This is a wonderful honor, because the award is the only book prize out there entirely determined by readers, rather than a judging panel made of critics, media, etc. (Not that those aren’t great, too!) You can now vote for your favorite nominees in each category. The opening voting round ends on November 4. Here’s the link. Thanks! Continue reading “Friday’s Elk, October 31, 2018 [Get Out the Goodreads Vote Edition!]”

Sorry to clog your inbox, but I needed to send out a correction. My upcoming talk at the Stanmeyer Gallery in West Stockbridge, Massachusetts, is not on November 2. It is on Saturday, November 3, at 2 pmHere’s the Facebook event page. Hope to see some Friday’s Elk readers from the Berkshires this weekend!


Originally published October 31, 2018. Copyright 2018 Carl Zimmer.

The New York Times, October 18, 2018


People have always told stories about their ancestral origins. But now millions of people are looking at their DNA to see if those stories hold up. While genetic tests can indeed reveal some secrets about our family past, we can also jump to the wrong conclusions from their results.

The reception of Senator Elizabeth Warren’s DNA results is a textbook case in this confusion.

On Monday morning, Senator Warren released an analysis on her DNA showing that six to 10 generations back she had a Native American ancestor.

Continue reading “Before Arguing About DNA Tests, Learn the Science Behind Them”

The New York Times, October 18, 2018


Cancer is a disease of mutations. Tumor cells are riddled with genetic mutations not found in healthy cells. Scientists estimate that it takes five to 10 key mutations for a healthy cell to become cancerous.

Some of these mutations can be caused by assaults from the environment, such as ultraviolet rays and cigarette smoke. Others arise from harmful molecules produced by the cells themselves. In recent years, researchers have begun taking a closer look at these mutations, to try to understand how they arise in healthy cells, and what causes these cells to later erupt into full-blown cancer.

Continue reading “Researchers Explore a Cancer Paradox”