I’m in the middle of proofreading She Has Her Mother’s Laugh, which has slowed me down on other fronts. But it’s a pleasure to see the book continue its odyssey towards publication in May. (Reminder: you can pre-order it now!)

I’ve got a few talks coming up in the next few weeks, but there’s one I want especially to draw your attention to. One week from tonight, I’ll be in New York for the second night in my “What is Life?” series.

On November 1 at Caveat, you can join me for conversations with a pair of leading scientists about how life began–about the wild history of research into life’s origins, and the current debates about how it got started some 4 billion years ago. The first night of the series, in front of a sold-out house, was a blast, so I’m very excited about the next one. You can find information about the event and tickets here.

Upcoming Talks

October 27, San Francisco. The Festival of Bad Ad Hoc Hypotheses. Details. SOLD OUT.

October 28 & 29, San Francisco. World Conference of Science Journalists. I’ll be speaking at two sessions. Details.

November 1, New York. “What Is Life? Night 2; How did life start?

November 8, University of Oxford. “The Philosophical Virus.” The Twelfth Annual Baruch Blumberg Lecture:

December 6, New York. “What Is Life?” Night 3: Is life inevitable?

December 20, New York. “What Is Life?” Final night 4: What did the first life look like?

January 3-7, 2018 San Francisco: Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, Plenary Lecture

February 15, 2018, Rochester, NY: Neilly Series Lecture. Details to come.

The End
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Best wishes, Carl

Originally published October 25, 2017. Copyright 2017 Carl Zimmer.