I’m excited to let you know about a series of live events I’ll be presenting this fall in New York.
It’s called, simply, “What is Life?” I’ll be talking on stage, one-on-one, with scientists and philosophers about this fundamental question. We’re going to explore the latest insights science has provided us about how life began, how to find it on other planets, and how to think about it.
The events will take place at Caveat, a new Manhattan science-focused venue (complete with food and drink). The first one will be on September 6 at 8 pm. I’ll speak first to Carlos Mariscal, a philosopher from the University of Nevada, and then to Sara Imari Walker, a physicist at Arizona State University.
To get more information and tickets, go here. Please share the link to anyone who you think might want to come.
There will be three more evenings in the series over the course of the next few months–I’ll send out those details soon.
It’s a simple question–with no good answer. For my column this week in the New York Times, I explore the quest to find one. Scientists are having some success figuring out how many kinds of cells are in a tiny worm. Scaling up to our 37-trillion-cell bodies is going to be a challenge, though.
NEW: September 6, New York, “What Is Life?” Details here.
September 6, New York, Rockefeller University. “Science, Journalism, and Democracy: Grappling with a New Reality.” I’ll be giving the keynote lecture for this day-long meeting. You can watch in person or via livestream. Details here.
October 4, Boston, Festival of Genomics. “Game of Genomes: How the Public Can Learn About Genomics Through about Their Own Genomes.” A panel discussion with some of the scientists who helped me with my series for Stat.
October 11, Stony Brook University, New York: Provost’s Lecture
October 28 & 29, San Francisco. World Conference of Science Journalists. I’ll be speaking at two sessions. Details here.
November 15, University of Oxford. Twelfth Annual Baruch Blumberg Lecture
January 3-7, 2018 San Francisco: Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, Plenary Lecture
You can also follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads. LinkedIn, and Google+. And there’s always carlzimmer.com.
Best wishes, Carl
Originally published August 18, 2017. Copyright 2017 Carl Zimmer.