Luciano Valenzuela writes,
I got this tattoo after finishing my PhD at the University of Utah working on the ecology of southern right whales that visit the coast of Peninsula Valdes (northern Patagonia), Argentina. The tattoo depicts a Surface Active Group (SAG). SAGs are usually thought as mating groups or whales in apparent courtship behavior. At Peninsula Valdes the SAGs that we normally see are much smaller with only a handful of whales, but the energy displayed by these animals is just as impressive as the large groups seen in other populations or species. The tattoo is actually a modification of Figure 1 in Kraus and Hatch (2001) showing a SAG of North Atlantic right whales. I think once you see them from close proximity you can appreciate how powerful and gentle at the same time these huge animals can be.
Here’s the original figure.
You can see the rest of the Science Tattoo Emporium here or in my book, Science Ink: Tattoos of the Science Obsessed.