I’m delighted to be able to share the handsome cover of my next book. For the past couple years, I’ve joined forces with University of Montana biologist Douglas Emlen to write a textbook about evolution for biology majors. We built the book with some elements from my 2009 textbook for nonmajors, The Tangled Bank, along with much more math, additional concepts, detailed explorations of recent and classic studies on evolution, and study questions.

The book is slated to be published on August 15, 2012, in time for fall classes (here’s the book page on the publisher’s site). We’re still ripping through the final proofs, but as soon as the cover was officially approved, I had to share it. The insects are walking leaves, which are not only beautiful, but a marvelous example of evolution at work.

Originally published March 10, 2012. Copyright 2012 Carl Zimmer.